Cool Tip: Caramelizing Sugar...

Caramelizing sugar is the process of melting sugar until it becomes a caramel colored liquid. You achieve this by mixing sugar and water, and then cooking it until it becomes, thick, syrupy and dark. The most important elements are time and patience, and the critical factor is constant attention. The process can go on for several minutes, and then all of a sudden, the sugar will start to darken, and then that darkening continues very quickly--so don't try this at home, unless you have time to give this the attention it requires.

Here are the steps to caramelizing sugar:

1. Start with 1/2 cup sugar and 1/4 cup water (you want to do this in small batches).

2. Combine these ingredients in a small heavy bottomed pan like the Norpro KRONA® “Melter” and heat over medium high heat.

3. Continue to heat until the sugar starts to take on a caramel brown color.

4. When the mixture starts to color, watch it closely, this part can happen quickly. You want a good brown caramel color, which indicates a good caramel flavor.

5. When you finally get the color you want, take the pan off the heat, and very carefully pour the caramel into your ramekins.
