
Cool Tip: Luxury in Your Mouth, Not on Your Waist

If you read the Guilt-Free Panna Cotta recipe in Monday's Newsletter, you may have noticed an ingredient called "Faux Fromage Frais", which translates to Fake Fresh Cheese.  Here's the back story and some great uses for this very handy, non-fat ingredient, that we use almost daily.

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Cool Tip: Defrost on Aluminum, or ..

Aluminum is a great conductor, and conducts the cold of a frozen object away, making that object thaw more quickly--simple physics!  We did an experiment with an ice cube on both a ceramic plate and a quarter sheet aluminum pan.  After 4 minutes, you can see the difference above: the ice cube on the aluminum pan is half melted, while the ice cube on the plate is still completely frozen.  This is the same principle behind those "As Seen on TV" magic defrosters, so save your money and use what's already in your kitchen.

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Cool Tip: Popcorn to Cook: Your Pan is Ready!

It's always important to have the oil in your pan hot enough before you add your other ingredients, otherwise they don't cook quite as well as you'd like.  Until I learned this trick, I always held my palm over the pan and then guessed; this method takes the guesswork out of it.

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Cool Tip: Lighten Up!

Probably the scariest thing about making a soufflé is folding in the egg whites.  You just finish beating the egg whites to get all this air into them, and then you have to take this fragile fluffy cloud and fold it into some really dense heavy stuff (your soufflé base), and you're cautioned that if you do it wrong, your soufflé won't rise and you'll have an ugly mess on you hands (or, more importantly, in your dish!)

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Cool Tip: The Incredible Peelable Egg

Nearly as elusive as the search for true love, an honest man, or the perfect pair of jeans is the search for a hard-cooked egg that is consistently easy to peel.  Today that search is over.  Here is the answer:  Steam it! 

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Cool Tip: How to Suprême a Citrus

I'd always admired those beautiful shimmering citrus segments with no extraneous membranes or other nasty bits, but I thought it was beyond my skill level to actually get them that way.  I was wrong.  Suprêming a citrus is actually very easy, once you get the hang of it, and, in fact, rather satisfying when you see...and taste the results.  Here's how you do it:

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Cool Tip: A Little Trick with Jicama

 I love fresh water chestnuts.  But fresh water chestnuts have about as much in common with the ones that come in a can as beautiful fresh green beans have with canned green beans--there is no comparison. 

Fresh water chestnuts have a sweetness and crunch that adds a wonderful touch to Asian (or any) soups and salads.  The only problem is that it is really difficult to find fresh water chestnuts, even at the Asian grocery stores.  So, we had to look for a substitute.  And we found one that was pretty close in both taste and crunch: jicama!

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Cool Tip: The Steak Gauge at the End of Your Arm

Did you know that you have a great steak gauge at the end of your arm?  Pretty handy (yes, OK, pun intended).

Depending on which finger you use to touch your thumb, the fleshy part at the base of your thumb will simulate the feel of a steak that is rare, medium rare, medium, or well done.

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Cool Tip: Men Who Cook...

Ask any woman, and she’ll tell you that guys who cook are catnip. They have a sexy self confidence and aren’t afraid to experiment. It also shows a nurturing side that is very appealing.

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